Maxine Attobrah
Maxine Attobrah
Creative Genius | Fashion Entrepreneur | Shoe Designer| Influencer | Electrical Engineer



It all started when…

Women were categorized into a box that she did not fit. Known to some as the “Quiet Storm“ Maxine is known for challenging the status quo. Back in the day women being athletic were frowned upon and Maxine thought otherwise.

Maxine enjoys testing her athletic abilities through obstacle races. She has participated in the Rugged Maniac and Spartan race.




Education is the key to the future…

Maxine believes that education is the gateway to success. Since college graduation Maxine continues to reads books that focuses one entrepreneurship and self growth. Some books include:

  • The Richest Man in Babylon

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad,

  • Dear Founder

  • The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

  • Shoe Dog

  • 4 Hour WorkWeek